Recommended Reading – Leash Reactivity
Feisty Fido – Help For The Leash Reactive Dog by Patricia McConnel Scaredy Dog! – Understanding and Rehabilitating Your Reactive Dog by Ali Brown Ruff Love by Susan Garrett Click To Calm by Emma Parsons
Feisty Fido – Help For The Leash Reactive Dog by Patricia McConnel Scaredy Dog! – Understanding and Rehabilitating Your Reactive Dog by Ali Brown Ruff Love by Susan Garrett Click To Calm by Emma Parsons
Going Leash Crazy Have you ever wondered why your friendly playful pooch off leash turns into a monster on leash, or in your home or yard? Why is it that your dog loves to play with others and gets along with everyone when they are off leash but the moment you attach the leash they turn into a beast? If your dog is not aggressive with other dogs when they are off leash but show aggressive behaviors towards other dogs on leash or behind a barrier, your dog maybe exhibiting leash or barrier frustration. Your dog is frustrated that they cannot get to the other dog to say hello and do their normal doggie greetings such as smell butts, ears, and mouths. How they express this frustration to the owner is by vigorously barking and lunging on their leash or through a fence or window. I often use the following
“Fetch Your Leash” Purpose: Fun way to interact and communicate with your dog. The more your dog knows the more they will look to you for direction in all situations. Prerequisite: ‘Fetch’ Criteria: Your dog will get their leash from a hook on the wall and bring it to you. Que: Verbal: ‘Fetch your leash’ Visual: Point in the direction their leash is hanging. What you’ll need: leash and hook or straight peg on wall. Steps: Play fetch with your dogs’ leash. You may want to tie the leash in a loose knot to make it more desirable to fetch or attach the buckle end of the leash to the hand loop to prevent the buckle from hitting your dog in the head. When tossing out the leash say ‘fetch your leash’. When your dog brings back their leash to you either play ‘fetch your leash’ again or take them
Attention Purpose– teaching this exercise will train your dog that it is more reinforcing to pay attention to you than the distractions around him. Criteria– your dog should look at you. Visual Que– Point to your eyes. Verbal Que– ‘Look’ Important to remember Your dog is familiar with his own environment. There are fewer distractions at home as compared to a park. Begin all training where there are minimum distractions. As your dog becomes more reliable with certain behaviors, gradually work your way to a more distracting environment. DO NOT expect your dog to respond to you as well as they would at home in this new environment. Behavior Pyramid Start in an area with no distractions Take a treat slowly wave it in front of your dogs nose and with your dog watching bring it to your eyes. Say ‘Look’ then ‘ok’ then give your dog the treat. The