Obedience and Agility Fun Match
Sunday, May 29th
Location: Lucky Dog Adventure Camp in Waimanalo
Canine Good Citizen Evaluation
Set your dog apart from the rest! See if they can pass all 10 Canine Good Citizen test items to earn the title of a ‘Good Citizen’.
Evaluation begins at 8:00 am and is $50.00
Obedience Fun Match
Obedience is a fun opportunity to practice obedience behaviors such as ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘stay’, ‘loose leash walking’, and more.
Each owner handler team can participate in:
Novice = 10 – 15 behaviors on leash
Advanced = 15 – 20 behaviors off leash
Praise & rewards are encouraged!
Event is judged & timed.
Everyone is a winner!
Runs begin after the CGC evaluation and is $30.00 per entry.
Agility Fun Match
Agility- run through an obstacle course timed. Challenge your dog over jumps, through tunnels, up and over an A Frame and more.
Each owner handler team can participate in:
Novice = 12 – 18 obstacles
Advanced = 15 – 20 obstacles
Praise & rewards are encouraged!
Event is judged & timed.
Everyone is a winner!
Runs begin after the Rally Obedience and is $10 per run
For more information :
Call Eleni at 259-8132 or
E-mail Tammy at Tammy@808dogbone.com for entry and waiver forms