Your Spot– Your dog should go to a designated area and stay.
Hand Signal– Point to the designated spot such as a dog bed or blanket/ towel laid out for your dog.
Verbal Que– Your dogs name and ‘your spot’
Benefits- This behavior will deter your dog from begging, bolting out the door, and jumping on people. It will give your dog a special place to go.
- Establish a visual que for your dog. For example, a blanket, a towel or dog bed.
- Introduce the object to your dog, say ‘your spot’ while your dog is on the object and smelling the object.
- Place your dog on a ‘sit’ or ‘down’ on the object. Repeat ‘your spot’ while pointing to the object. Continue to reinforce your dog.
- Take one step back from the spot. Point to the spot and say ‘your spot’ if your dog goes to the spot highly reinforce him/her. If your dog does not go to the spot take them buy the collar, place them on the spot and repeat ‘your spot’.
- Repeat step 4 while gradually increasing the distance you are from their spot.
- Train ‘sit-stay’ or ‘down-stay’.
- After your dog understands ‘your spot’ tell them ‘your spot’ and ‘stay’. Only expect them to stay in their spot for a few seconds. Release your dog from ‘your spot’ by saying ‘o.k.’ or ‘come’. If your dog gets up from ‘your spot’ bark the word ‘no’ and start over.
- Gradually increase the duration your dog stays in ‘your spot’. To encourage them to stay longer give them a special treat; for example, a kong filled with peanut butter or a bone.