
Stop Your Dog From Barking!

With any problem behavior, it is important to figure out why your dog is doing that particular behavior.  Once you can figure out why they are doing what they are doing, you can address the problem behavior. I find that many problem behaviors can be eliminated by making sure dogs receive enough exercise and you are consistent with redirecting their problem behavior, all while setting their environment and your dog up for success.   Why do dogs bark? Separation anxiety Protection or alert Fun or attention seeking Fear Boredom Over-stimulated Separation Anxiety If your dog is barking due to separation anxiety, you will want to address the separation anxiety issue itself, as that is a bigger issue than just barking alone. I am here to help. Protection If your dog is barking at people or other dogs passing by the house, ‘turn off their tv’ by blocking their view from

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6 Tips to Gaining Your Dog’s Attention

If you find yourself saying ‘I just wish my dog would pay attention to me more’ try these simple tips to help. Bonus, keep in mind #6 when you OR your dog are learning anything new. Engage with your dog Your dog knows when you are not paying attention. I will often tell students, “if you are not engaging with your dog, why in the world would your dog engage with you?” What do I mean by engage with your dog?  Talk to your dog on your walks or when you are out and about. Yep, be that crazy dog owner who tells your dog about your day, praise your dog for walking next to you and paying attention to you. Make your walks unpredictable to keep your dog guessing where your next move will be. For example, if I am walking a dog, I will randomly turn to the

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Helpful Tips For Your Recalls

Is your dog not responding to their recalls like you would like?  Do they look at you when you call them to ‘come’ but continue to turn and run the other way?  If you find you are having a hard time with your dog coming when called, apply these helpful tips.  When applied you will see results immediately! 1.        First and foremost, set your dog up for success.  Do not give your dog freedom until they are coming to you reliably– unless you are in a situation where you do not need them to come when called.  The reason for this is because every time you call your dogs to ‘come’ and they do not, they are learning to ignore your requests.  People hate to hear ‘keep your dog on leash’ until they know better.  They envision their dogs running free and coming back to them at

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Prevent Your Dog From Jumping On People

Jumping on People Why do dogs jump on people? They want attention They are excited They are attempting to take something from you They think it’s fun   How to curtail jumping on people Exercise your dog, this will release undesired energy. Obedience training will increase the effectiveness of verbal ques that will deter unwanted behaviors. YOU MUST IGNORE OR REDIRECT YOUR DOG EVERYTIME THEY “JUMP”. If you ignore or redirect your dog sometimes but not others this will confuse your dog.  He/she will not understand why it is okay to “Jump” sometimes but not others. a.  If your dog commonly jumps on your children do not have your children and your dog play unsupervised. b.  If your dog jumps on house-guests place your dog on a leash or another room to prevent them from jumping. c.  Always have your training tools with you when interacting with your dogs.  You

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How To Prevent Bolting Out The Door

Bolting Out The Door Criteria-  When you open the door your dog should not run out.  If you are leaving the house with your dog your dog should sit by the door, you open the door, walk out, then allow your dog to go out the door by saying ‘ok’. Visual Que-  Door opens. Train- Place your dog on leash by the door and either hold the leash or stand on the leash firmly but allowing slack on the leash.  There should be no tension on the leash. Put your hand on the door handle, if your dog does not move to anticipate running out reinforce your dog with love or treats.  If your dog moves  towards the door remove your hand and say ‘opps’ and try again.  Repeat until your dog does not anticipate the door opening.  You must have 5 or more successful approximations before moving to the

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Benefits of Understanding your Dog’s Breed

Understanding the behavior characteristics commonly associated with the breed of your dog is the first step to building a stronger relationship and partaking in breed-specific training.  Becoming familiar with your dogs breed can also help you to learn ways to avoid common problems related to diet, behavior, and care. During the first week of my Basic Obedience class I request owners research their dogs breed.  If they have a mixed breed I tell them to choose 1 or 2 of the breeds that they think there dog might be and research them.  Another option is to have your mix breed dog genetically tested. This has actually become a very popular service and has become significantly more affordable in recent years.  To learn more, do a Google search for “breed testing for dogs,” and you will find a list of various companies who offer this service.  You can also request this

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Games to play to STOP problem behaviors

Dogs and humans that play together stay together.  Believe it or not, “play” can actually be considered a trainable behavior with dogs. Teaching your fuzzy friend to play with you can help build your relationship, increase trainability, provide mental stimulation and exercise (for both of you), and help to eliminate behavior problems. My training philosophy is to ‘have fun and be consistent’.  I like to stress to my students, if you are not having fun your dog will know, and your training sessions will not be as effective. How many of you can tell if someone close to you is frustrated or upset just by their body language?  How does it make you feel when you walk into a room and you see someone with ridged body movements or sighing?  When I see someone exhibiting frustration or anger my body tenses up, I hold my breath for longer periods of

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